@esaltat, in Linux you could use a command like this:
curl 'https://triggercmd.com/api/run/list?&sortOn=createdAt,DESC&command_id=(your command id)&token=(your token)'
You'll see your command id in your browser URL when you click the View Runs button for that command:
Or install jq and use this command will show two fields you're interested in:
curl 'https://triggercmd.com/api/run/list?&sortOn=createdAt,DESC&command_id=(your command id)&token=(your token)' | jq -r '.records[] | .createdAt + " " + .status' 2022-01-23T18:38:03.008Z Command ran 2022-01-23T18:38:02.844Z Trigger sent from website 2022-01-22T19:34:41.879Z Command ran 2022-01-22T19:34:40.150Z Trigger sent from Google Assistant Smart Home params = on 2022-01-15T16:38:46.310Z Command ran 2022-01-15T16:38:46.067Z Trigger sent from Google Assistant Smart Home params = on 2022-01-15T16:38:39.210Z Command ran 2022-01-15T16:38:38.205Z Trigger sent from Alexa Smart Home params = on 2022-01-15T16:18:52.395Z Command ran 2022-01-15T16:18:52.274Z Trigger sent from Alexa