@vitormbn , if you run the same command from a CMD window does it work? Error code 1 means it's running the command but it's failing. Ideally it will fail in the same way so you can see the error. One possible reason for the failure might be you don't have admin access on your machine.
RE: Command ran with error code 1 trying shutdown command
RE: TriggerCMD throws an Application Error upon computer shutdown.
@Paul-Kelly, please upgrade to the new version (1.0.46) I just published. I wasn't able to reproduce the error, but it's an intermittent problem, so I'm not sure this will fix it. Please let me know if you see it again after you upgrade.
RE: Cant Get Background Services to Work anymore
I replied to you here, but basically I broke the background service in version 1.0.45. I just need to upgrade the node version and update the agent. I'll do that today. Stay tuned.
EDIT: Please upgrade to version 1.0.46. It should fix the windows background service. Sorry about the bug.
RE: Background service
@Tony-Seaback, I replied to you here, but basically I broke the background service. I just need to upgrade the node version and update the agent. I'll do that today. Stay tuned.
EDIT: Please upgrade to version 1.0.46. It should fix the windows background service. Sorry about the bug.
RE: background agent commands not syncing or service not starting please assist. PLEASE ! thank you
@Tony-Seaback, I see the problem. I broke the background service in this latest version 1.0.45. I'll produce a new version today and get back to you.
EDIT: Please upgrade to version 1.0.46. It should fix the windows background service. Sorry about the bug.
RE: Issue with TriggerCMD Commands Not Updating on Website
@Tony-Seaback, I see from your other posts you're using the background service. I assume the foreground service is sync'ing foreground commands just fine?
I just found out the background service is broken on Windows version 1.0.45. I'm working on the fix now.
EDIT: Please upgrade to version 1.0.46. It should fix the windows background service. Sorry about the bug.
RE: TriggerCMD throws an Application Error upon computer shutdown.
@Paul-Kelly , thanks for reporting it. I'll look into it this weekend. Are you running the latest version?
RE: Issue Connecting Second PC to Alexa for Automatic Shutdown
@theotherclub, your second computer needs to have a "Voice Name" before Alexa will create devices for each of that computer's triggers.
Your first computer doesn't need a Voice Name because it's your default computer by default.
This page in the documentation explains further:
https://docs.triggercmd.com/#/./SmartHomeSwitches -
RE: after format my pc, i can't use trigger cmd, it say that i need to subscribe for add a new computer
@Mark-Hollis, your commands are not stored in the cloud. They're only stored on your computer, so if you don't have a backup of your commands.json file, you'll need to recreate them. One Windows you can find your commands.json file in this folder:
c:\Users\(your user)\.TRIGGERcmdData
If you're not subscribed, you'll need to delete your current computer before you can create another one.
RE: Closing Apps created in Edge / Chrome Browsers
@JRSF-Home , this worked for me to open and close the Trigger CMD PWA:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge_proxy.exe" --profile-directory=Default --app-id=ehccgonefendpahldcmdgdmbkpbdmhbg --app-url=https://app.triggercmd.com/ --app-launch-source=4
Off Command:
taskkill /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq Trigger CMD"
I got that "Trigger CMD" text from the title of the PWA window.