"Enable/disable/configure multiple monitors on Windows"
MultiMonitorTool.exe /disable \.\DISPLAY3
And, for single monitors, my comment from a year ago still works.
"Enable/disable/configure multiple monitors on Windows"
MultiMonitorTool.exe /disable \.\DISPLAY3
And, for single monitors, my comment from a year ago still works.
@Espino As other threads will tell you, the Token is found when you log into the main site, under Instructions.
@russ said in Is server down?:
@cris-silva, @DavidPennington , what's not working? I just tested it and it's working for me.
I know AWS (Amazon Web Services) had problems today, so I wonder if that affected Alexa.
It definitely affected Alexa - every literal Smart device became "unresponsive" (about a dozen) so it's not a stretch that all the figurative (I'm blanking on the right word) ones for TriggerCMD would go offline, too.
Create a trigger that calls Nirsoft.net's NirCMD program. It's got a ton of options. I use it to Mute my system but it does have a SetBrightness option.
Set your command to ms-settings:
Google can find you a list of sub commands (e.g. ms-settings:network) for any specific sections.
@mikeh_iver After you installed the software on the other PC, copy the commands.json file from the "C:\Users*username*.TRIGGERcmdData" to the it.
In the discussions here, there is one for setting up TriggerCMD with IFTTT. Works like a charm.
"Alexa, trigger Ubuntu" (I find one word triggers work best but experiment).
@Russ NICE FIND! After only a minute of playing with it, it's near perfect. Only hitch is that the window that keeps getting thrown around has 5 pinned tabs and the tool only seems to recognize the 'Title' of the window with the active tab. That's not the end though because I could have the task scheduler run a batch file with a set of five commands so that one of them will work. It's the only window I keep on that monitor.
Now I just need to figure out the event code for when the USB adapter momentarily craps out so I'll just wait for it to happen again.
(Only downside might be if I throw another tab into it for temporary usage. The tool probably won't be able to spot that).
Haven't tried this feature myself but Nirsoft's NirCMD has a "sendkeypress" ability.
Here's my question though -- how does your VBS script send the keypress to the right window or, on your PC, is F7 being recognized by one program no matter what program is in the foreground?
Nircmd has a WIN feature which lets you activate a window so you could use it twice in a new script, once to activate the window and again to send the keypress.
When I say 'good night' to Alexa, I have been having it run my Hibernate command every night to put my PC to sleep. I got to thinking that sometimes I do want certain programs to run backups, etc. so did a little digging and found this script online.
So, every Sunday night, it -won't- hibernate and will run certain tasks.
@echo off
for /f %%i in ('powershell ^(get-date^).DayOfWeek') do set dow=%%i
if %dow% NEQ Sunday goto shutdown
REM in this area, enter commands for things to run Sunday night (backups, updates, etc)
shutdown /h /f
NirCMD (https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html) can do this with a single command: nircmd.exe monitor off
I use an Alexa routine for when my phone leaves my home area to run that TCMD device.
@Pedro-Albuquerque There is no such command for that, for security reasons.