Freezing in Monterey
@Matt-Packwood, sorry I'm on the road. I'll upgrade my mac when I get home and try it.
Does it work at all? Does it freezes then continue or does it stay frozen? How do you fix it when it freezes? Sorry for 20 questions, but it might help.
If anyone else reading this has Monterey, is the TRIGGERcmd Agent giving you any trouble?
I have "CleanMyMac" so I get a pop-up about frozen apps, the app appears to be frozen so I kill it. If I restart it then it runs for a while (lets say a couple of hours) then freezes again.
@Matt-Packwood, I tried to upgrade my mac and it said Monterey is not available.
When it freezes, what happens? Do you click the icon and it does nothing?
It seems like the app freezes if it is started during start-up, if I then kill it and restart it is "good"...
Yep, that is the pattern....
@Russ I have been messing around and the issue seems to be after a reboot, if the program / app is started "automatically", it then freezes / I force quit, restart and no issues....
@Russ Has anyone else reported this? Are there any log files I can check?
@matt-packwood , no one except you has reported it yet. My Mac won't upgrade to Monterey but I'll see if AWS offers a way to run it in the cloud. It will be much easier to fix if I can reproduce it.
@russ @Matt-Packwood There is a thread developer forum that may help shed some light on this.
Can you check under the Login Items tab in System Preferences, Users and Groups? You should have a TRIGGERcmdAgent entry in there. Please delete it (or all of them if you have multiple). Then close and re-open the TRIGGERcmdAgent app. It should re-install the login item.
I'm just thinking something might have gone wrong when it was added initially, but I admit, I'm grasping.
@Russ it was in Start-Up twice, I followed your instructions and am now testing...
@Russ It works for a few minutes then freezes....
@Russ TRIGGERcmdAgent Helper is running, TRIGGERcmdAgent is Not Responding.
@matt-packwood , bummer. What is TRIGGERcmdAgent Helper? Can you send a screenshot?
From the "Open Ports":cwd /Applications/ txt /Applications/ Helper txt /private/var/db/oah/279281326358528_279281326358528/1266f2a906e23197a1c950e781683fdf2b4437efdf0aca9f3f65029301b078bb/TRIGGERcmdAgent Helper.aot txt /usr/libexec/rosetta/runtime txt /Applications/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Resources/en.lproj/locale.pak txt /Library/Apple/usr/libexec/oah/libRosettaRuntime txt /Applications/ txt /private/var/db/oah/279281326358528_279281326358528/4e03275c3fc0c8d75e1a418fee5e751a30227a524fb8a800421cb2d314a06ea8/Squirrel.aot txt /Applications/ txt /private/var/db/oah/279281326358528_279281326358528/3cf89e489b28275962cd7d61cfd61b87b9c0685ef4aa5a4a83ed97bc6b04a681/Mantle.aot txt /Applications/ txt /private/var/db/oah/279281326358528_279281326358528/f0f2b98a20cfb93677d67ef1646b121cac5ff393513ff4d2322cd1325286ab6c/ReactiveCocoa.aot txt /Library/Preferences/Logging/.plist-cache.KJz82Mj6 txt /Applications/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Resources/pdf_viewer_resources.pak txt /private/var/db/timezone/tz/2021a.3.0/icutz/icutz44l.dat txt /System/Library/Extensions/AGXMetal13_3.bundle/Contents/Resources/ds.g13g txt /private/var/folders/g3/8by1rzh91zb851tk6dj06wj40000gn/C/com.vandermeyconsulting.triggercmdagent.helper/ txt /Applications/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libffmpeg.dylib txt /private/var/db/oah/279281326358528_279281326358528/5b88d564e2dc20ba94d1551e71f0770ee56bec715fb2073aaa2f2f0b49e45661/libffmpeg.dylib.aot txt /System/Library/Extensions/AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer txt /private/var/db/oah/279281326358528_279281326358528/062a5b64cf579bee8e0f91354af64e1dea0741cc8f9b2e1a36be3c98c9e519f3/AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer.aot txt /Applications/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libnode.dylib txt /private/var/db/oah/279281326358528_279281326358528/deebf460331330236f369b3d9a986a59527d2487f590b920cdc96aec6677a831/libnode.dylib.aot txt /Applications/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Electron Framework txt /private/var/db/oah/279281326358528_279281326358528/b9ffe9a6d397aff8c374a102c4113c94a804006d5b4d7174ab293a5fe29f799b/Electron Framework.aot txt /usr/share/icu/icudt68l.dat txt /Applications/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Resources/icudtl.dat txt /Applications/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Resources/content_shell.pak txt /private/var/folders/g3/8by1rzh91zb851tk6dj06wj40000gn/0/ txt /usr/lib/dyld 0 /dev/null 1 /dev/null 2 /dev/null 3 /Applications/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Resources/icudtl.dat 4 /Applications/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Resources/en.lproj/locale.pak 5 ->0xcd22e2ed4300e02b 6 /Applications/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Resources/content_shell.pak 7 /Applications/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Resources/pdf_viewer_resources.pak 8 /dev/urandom 9 ->0xcd22e2ed43007073 10 /private/var/folders/g3/8by1rzh91zb851tk6dj06wj40000gn/C/com.vandermeyconsulting.triggercmdagent.helper/ 11 /private/var/folders/g3/8by1rzh91zb851tk6dj06wj40000gn/C/com.vandermeyconsulting.triggercmdagent.helper/ 12 /System/Library/Extensions/AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer.bundle/Contents/Resources/default.metallib 13 /System/Library/Extensions/AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer.bundle/Contents/Resources/PixelConverter.metallib 14 count=0, state=0xa 15 ->0xc010c1d108e52518 16 ->0x48c8e5c7172ffc8e 17 count=0, state=0xa 18 ->0x4d0e05ff13ebdf7c 19 ->0xa9eef662a90bb211
@matt-packwood, do you have any antivirus software on your Mac? You could try disabling that temporarily to see if that's killing the agent somehow. That might explain why it's happening on your mac but no one else has seen it.
@russ Ah!!!! It is Sophos Anti-Virus... Now I need to see how to stop it "killing TriggerCMD".
@matt-packwood, Just an Idea (I don't run a Mac) What if you didn't allow Sophos service to auto load on startup then start the service after TRIGGERcmd had loaded? I suspect Sophos service is loading first.
This seems to indicate you can stop and start Sophos -
@tuicemen I know that what I am about to say is different than your suggestion but I think it is relevant. I started without Sophos working then turned it on, TriggerCMd was killed...