@karnold69 I stopped using windows for my X10 control some time ago. But prior to that I know I had disabled windows driver updates and that solved issues with windows updates for me.
Another option is to use software for X10 that doesn't use X10WTI CM15A drivers.
Things that use Mochad or Mochad itself, or HomeGenie that has it's own drivers(which I use)

Posts made by tuicemen
RE: Intermittent results
RE: Intermittent results
@karnold69 Windows updates in particular Driver updates are a issue for X10 If driver updating is not disabled. Windows will install the newest X10 driver which is not compatible with the USB driver for AHPSDK.exe that x10 commander uses. The fix for this is to reinstall the x10 driver found on your PC If I remember their in program files/common files/X10/drivers.
RE: Alexa responsive routine
@Russ , I did a bit more playing with routines and follow up mode. You can't run another routine after one or activate a device after with out saying Alexa first, but you can run a routine after a device trigger.
If in a routine you add a say command asking "do you wish anything else?" then you can say "yes, Alexa, run....." or "no, Alexa, thank you" and she will respond to both. Doing this you could make it seem more like Alexa is interacting. -
RE: Alexa responsive routine
@Russ, it is true Alexa routines aren't interactive as @Paulo-Vinicius wants however it is possible to make it seem as though they are by adding Alexa says " is there anything else I can do?" at the end of a routine.
Unfortunately follow up mode doesn't work with routines yet -
RE: Alexa responsive routine
@Paulo-Vinicius it is possible to do something like this.
First you need to enable follow up mode for each Alexa device you speak to. With this enabled you can have Alexa trigger another device after the first one without having to say Alexa first.(this has a time out so you must say your next request before the time runs out.You'd then need to create a trigger CMD command that opens archive 665 on your pc and responds with "I found this"
Then create a routine call search1 the trigger would be when you say "Alexa search my pc for archive 665" under Add action add the smarthome device that runs the Trigger CMD archive 665 device.
This is just the basics but youd need to have trigger CMD devices for each folder you'd like to open.
You could also create a script that open a variable (folder) as Russ suggests -
RE: Skip the "Alexa, ask TriggerCmd" command?
@Dimo-Ninov, which TriggerCMD skill are you using? Both the TriggerCMD and Trigger Command, require the "Alexa, ask Trigger CMD to....."
The Triggercmd Smart Home skill does not. You simply say "Alexa, turn on(off) ...."Russ created a forth skill called TC to simplify things but the original TriggerCMD and Trigger Command still remain in the Alexa skills list.
RE: Skip the "Alexa, ask TriggerCmd" command?
@Dimo-Ninov use the Trigger CMD Smarthome skill I actually have all 3 Trigger CMD skills loaded.
RE: Account administration
@aaaaa12345 most forums require users be registered to contact anyone on the forum. That is an anti spam thing.
If you mean your wishing to contact the software developer @Russ without joining a forum then that is something he can address.I use to run a forum for my software while in development and required users to use the forum to ask question on it to prevent answering multi simular questions. However I also included a email contact link in the software. Maybe that should be a option @Russ can address as well.
RE: ahcmd.exe problem
@newstuffoldstuff that may fix things but I thought latest build was 318
RE: ahcmd.exe problem
@newstuffoldstuff I do remember reports of x10nets hanging being reported on the x10 forum but I thought that was fixed. How did you get the files? An ActiveHome Pro install, SDK install, or third party? I'm wondering if you have an old version of the X10nets file.
You might try a search on the X10 forum for the x10nets stopping. -
RE: ahcmd.exe problem
@newstuffoldstuff glad to see you have it working. Now that you've figured out how to run the dll. You might want to experiment creating a simple command line program to simplify things.
RE: ahcmd.exe problem
@newstuffoldstuff you might find some info here to help if you plan to create something with the dll https://forums.x10.com/index.php?board=15.0
RE: ahcmd.exe problem
@newstuffoldstuff there is some documentation in the SDK but it is limited to only a few programing languages C# , VB and VB script if I remember correctly. It also has a few sample programs along with AHCMD.
I used Visual Studio VB for most of my programs but did some in C#. I played a bit with java but never got it working with that. -
RE: ahcmd.exe problem
@newstuffoldstuff, the AHCMD.exe was first introduced with the AHPSDK then included with ActiveHome Pro when it was updated to work with all X10 computer models. It was never designed to be a consistantly used software but a testing tool. Unfortunately many used it to create third party X10 software instead of using the dll file included in the SDK.
Windows 10 also created issues with it due to the security features introduce for programs located in the Program Files folder and its sub folders.
When I controled X10 from Windows I found moving the ActiveHome Pro folder to outside of the Programs Files folder helped with unreliability. You might try that. A mother option might be to look at HomeGenie which runs on many different platforms and uses its own x10 drivers. You'd need to install the Cm17 plugin unless you had a different X10 controller which are supported with an initial install.
I created several windows third party X10 capable softwares using the SDK dll a few accepted comandline parameter calls. I'll see if I can locate one however I never tested with the cm17 that I recall. -
RE: X10 devices with Alexa TRIGGERcmd Smart Home skill
@karnold69 the last AHSDK was updated to work with all x10 computer interfaces. Though I would consider a different x10 computer module unless that's all you had.
RE: Installation has failed
@igor-gallette which version of Windows are you running?
RE: Installation has failed
@igor-gallette did you check the properties of the installer prior to using to be sure it wasn't being blocked? Also did you try installing as Administrator?
RE: Two softwares - two programs - one trigger
@oz-perrenoud you may need to create a batch file for this use this link for a walk though https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.makeuseof.com/tag/launch-multiple-programs-single-shortcut-using-batch-file/amp/
RE: Any other payment option for suscribe?
@russ it is possible to add yearly subscription to a android app. If you haven't looked at that option yet it maybe another option. You could either create another (pro) version of the app or possibly add the option to a existing app.
RE: Who knows the command to open and close cd/dvd driver?
@welber-gaya I found this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19467792/batch-command-line-to-eject-cd-tray/28422571#28422571
You ca also try C:>eject H: from cmd to open and C:>eject H: /1 to close. Where H is your DVD drive.