Android widget feature request to make it easier to specify the trigger name
Hi @Russ,
My trigger names tend to be long in order to be descriptive. Ideally it would be great if the Android TRIGGERcmd Widgets app could allow browsing the computers on my account, and then browse the trigger names.
But I was thinking of an alternative that might be easier to implement -- could the widget app (and I guess the underlying API, since the token is the authentication method) be changed from "Trigger Name" to "Trigger Name or Voice"? The "Voice" is shorter, unique and easier for me to remember than the long trigger names. This could potentially be used by users even if they don't have an Amazon Echo or Google Home.
@CheddarLifeForm, yes that's a reasonable ask. I like the idea of a list to pick from better than using the voice names. I'll work on it.