anyone know how to execute an applescript script from a trigger?
@C-considering, according to this page, the command would be like this:
osacript /folder/ScriptName.scpt
thanks, I appreciate it!
T tuicemen moved this topic from Instructions on
@Russ I have been struggling for weeks trying to ru an AppleScript from Triggercmd and have no success. I can run a one line with osascript - e, but not run a script ??? Using osascript /Users/skypad/G Dropbox/Scripts/TestGary.scpt . . . Nothing
@garym77, you could try quoting the full path like this:
osascript "/Users/skypad/G Dropbox/Scripts/TestGary.scpt"
There's a space in your path, so I think osascript would think /Users/skypad/G is the first parameter and Dropbox/Scripts/TestGary.scpt is the second parameter if you don't quote it.
@Russ I reformatted the path and it is WORKING ! Like this osascript /Users/skypad/G\ Dropbox/Scripts/ASI\ Daily\ Info.scpt
Thank You !
Nice job @garym77. I guess it makes sense you'd have to escape the spaces with backslashes.