voice commands or cli doesn't works anymore
my commands doesn't works , neither with website or on command line
i try this
triggercmdagent -t firefox -c kaliregards
@alain, for remotely executing your commands using a command, I recommend switching to the tcmd Go utility. That said, you need to get it working from the website first.
Can you confirm the agent is still running?
If it is running, you might learn something from the debug.log file in the ~/.TRIGGERcmdData directory. -
thanks for replies Russ
yes i think my triggercmdagent is working wellhere is my command
triggercmdagent -t firefox -c kali
Run installdaemon.sh to install the triggercmdagent daemon so it runs during boot
Daemon install: false
Logging in with saved token.
Checking if the 5e4e6687b2275d00193c6347 computer exists.
This computer exists in your account.
Tokenfile: /root/.TRIGGERcmdData/token.tkn
ComputerIDfile: /root/.TRIGGERcmdData/computerid.cfg
Logging in with saved token to run foreground tasks.
Write backup completed.
Initiated command adds
Initiated command removals|> Now connected to https://www.triggercmd.com.
___/ For help, see: http://bit.ly/2q0QDpf
(using sails.io.js node SDK @v1.1.13)
Connected at: Thu Feb 20 2020 16:50:24 GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe centrale){ message: 'Subscribed to 5e4e6687b2275d00193c6347!' }
{ message: 'Subscribed to 5e4e6687b2275d00193c6347!' }and my Json
{"trigger":"Reboot","command":"shutdown -r","ground":"background","voice":"reboot","allowParams": "false"},
{"trigger":"Editor","command":"nano","ground":"foreground","voice":"edition","allowParams": "false"},
{"trigger":"Firefox","command":"/usr/bin/firefox","ground":"background","voice":"firefox","allowParams": "false"},
{"trigger":"yum update","command":"yum -y update","ground":"background","voice":"yum update","allowParams": "false"},
{"trigger":"apt update","command":"apt-get -y update","ground":"background","voice":"update","allowParams": "false"}
@alain, I see you're trying to use this method.
I meant to replace that method with this one because it's faster, more reliable, and more consistent across platforms.
I just put a note on that old article to refer people to the tcmd Go utility article.
Would you mind trying that?
I think you'll want to download the Linux 64bit version. Copy it to /usr/local/bin so it's in your PATH, rename it to tcmd, and make it executable with chmod +x /usr/local/bin/tcmd. Then your command will be:
tcmd -t firefox -c kali
thanks Russ,
i'll try this method