sending parameter to a home assistant TCMD switch
I'm new here so please be gentleI sent up a simple curl command in TCMD (tigger cmd) .. litterally just 'curl' and set 'allow parameters'
I now want to be able to send a paratameter to this from a switch or action in home assistant so i can send http request / web hook
example parameter/webhook .. "http;//"
example webhook trigger.. curl "http;//" would activate a simple webhook .. checked and works fine from cmd line
any idea how to do this? Cheers everyone
Bot Replied with rest commands avalible but if there is a more simple way to pass the parameter at the switch level that would be far better unless i am missing something.
That way the parameter or webhook can be added directly into the switch or automation instead of more coding or TCMD commands for each webhook
@metablast, sorry, at this point in time the TRIGGERcmd Home Assistant integration only supports sending the on and off parameters with the trigger.
You mentioned "Bot Replied." What bot are you talking about?
Thanks for letting me know... when I say bot it was just mean that a post shifted automatically to give more info at the top about home assistant
Thanks @metablast.
I've been thinking about how I could allow other parameters. Would you want to create an HA automation that triggers the command, and do you want the properties of the device that triggered the automation to be selectable as command parameters? I think I could build a way to do that.