Bug with IFTTT
I have a problem with IFTTT:
I have created two applets there. Applet1 and Applet2. Both applets have a TriggerCMD trigger (Trigger1 and Tigger2).
On their own, both applets work in principle. As soon as the TiggerCMD trigger is called (in my case via the shortcut link), the specified action is executed via IFTTT.
The problem is that when I trigger Applet1, Applet2 is also triggered about half an hour later. The activity overview of applet 2 in IFTTT then also correctly states that Trigger1 was triggered at X o'clock.
The half-hour delay is not always identical. I have already deleted the Applet and the trigger completely and created them again. Nevertheless, Applet2 is also triggered by Applet1.The same problem exists the other way round: Applet1 is also executed by Trigger2 about half an hour later.
What is the problem here?
@Emanuel-Werner, are you using "If any command is triggered ..." as your applet trigger? Or are you using "Specific command"?
I'll test this later today to see if I can reproduce the issue.
EDIT: I was able to reproduce the issue. Like you, I setup 2 applets that were supposed to run when two separate specific commands ran, but when I ran one command, both applets ran. Thank you for reporting this bug. I'll work on it and let you know when it's fixed.
Please test it again, I fixed it.
Thank you so much for reporting this. It definately was a bug!
@Russ Thanks for the quick fix! I have tested it, now it works
Man, Russ, you're on point everytime. I'm glad for that.
Yeah, I have been on this forum for a few hours and Russ helps everyone.