Play a numbered mp3 file with the TRIGGERcmd Smart Home Alexa skill
I made this video to show how it works: is the Windows batch script I had ChatGPT create for me:
@echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion REM Check if the script is provided with a valid parameter if "%1"=="" ( echo Please provide a line number. exit /b 1 ) REM Check if the parameter is a positive integer set "param=%1" set /a "param=param+0" 2>nul if not defined param ( echo Invalid parameter. Please provide a valid positive integer. exit /b 1 ) REM Check if the parameter is within the valid range (greater than 0) if %param% leq 0 ( echo Invalid parameter. Please provide a valid positive integer. exit /b 1 ) REM Set the path to your text file containing the list of MP3 files set "textFilePath=d:\playlist.m3u" REM Check if the text file exists if not exist "%textFilePath%" ( echo Text file not found: %textFilePath% exit /b 1 ) REM Read the corresponding line from the text file set "mp3File=" for /f "skip=%param% delims=" %%A in ('type "%textFilePath%"') do ( set "mp3File=%%A" goto :PlayFile ) REM If the parameter is greater than the number of lines in the file echo Line number exceeds the number of lines in the file. exit /b 1 :PlayFile REM Play the selected MP3 file echo Playing: %mp3File% start "" "%mp3File%" exit /b 0