Compatibility with Debian 12
Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well.
I'm facing a problem here with the triggercmdagent, I updated my pc from ubuntu 22 to debian 12, until then in ubuntu the agent was working normally. Now in debian 12 when I run the agent on it, I can register the new pc, but after that the agent does not show the interface so that I can create my scripts. I already uninstalled it and installed it again, removed the pc and re-registered on the platform, turned off the computer and restarted. I would like to know if triggercmdagent is not compatible with debian 12 or am I doing something wrong?
@william-siqueira, I haven't tried it yet, but I'd like to make sure it works. I'm downloading it now.
If the only problem is the GUI Editor won't work, you could edit your ~/.TRIGGERcmdData/commands.json file manually until I get it workin on Debian 12.
In my case, the interface no longer appears after I login with the token. After this process, the triggercmdagent interface does not open at all.
About the file you asked me to change, what should I change exactly?
bolded text
@william-siqueira, first you could make sure the default commands you have in your commands.json run when you click the green Trigger button in your account.
The background commands (the commands with ground = background) will run if you've installed the background service using, but you'll need to use ps -ef to check whether they ran because they don't run in the foreground where you can see them.
After that, you can add your own commands by copying one of those lines, and editing the command field to be your own command.