@Russ Thanks, that did the trick!
On to Rasberry, following the new instructions to the letter!!
@Russ Thanks, that did the trick!
On to Rasberry, following the new instructions to the letter!!
@tuicemen Got it all working tonight. YAY! Thanks again guys. Just to get it all in one place, here's what works for me:
{"trigger":"Living Room Fan","command":"/home/pi/scripts/X10.sh i6","ground":"background","voice":"Living Room Fan","allowParams": "true"},
(duplicated for each X10 house unit, i.e. i6, i5, etc.)
"/home/pi/scripts/X10.sh i6"
echo "pl $1 $2" | nc -w 1 localhost 1099
echo "sent powerline command $1 $2 to mochad"
Even with you guys' help this was a bit of a pain. This really should all be put into a simple install guide. But, it works great!