i'm trouble
Help me please
Also this might be a known problem. The TRIGGERcmd agent does not work on 32bit Windows. Only 64bit works.
Please check your version. -
thanks for the answer ... but my system is 64! I don't know how to install it in folder 64 and not in x86
@Raphael-Cazelatto, will you please type this in a cmd window, and tell me the result?
I just want to confirm.
The other thing I've seen cause this is certain antivirus software. You could try disabling that while you install the TRIGGERcmd agent.
the answer is AMD64, just like yours. And I don't use any antivirus. my windows defender is not activated too
@Raphael-Cazelatto, this is a new one. Here are some options and things to try:
- You could right-click the installer exe and click "Run as administrator".
- You could try this version of the agent that was meant for 32bit Windows, but works fine on 64bit.
- You could try uninstalling the agent and deleting the C:\Users\rapha\AppData\Local\TRIGGERcmdAgent folder, then re-install it.
- the first alternative I had tried a long time ago and it didn't work.
- this second I tried earlier today, with your link, however, the result is the photo
-i uninstall my programs with "revounnistall". it automatically deletes all folders after uninstalling
the photo shows the result installing node and unzipping the agent zip... i don't really know what to do anymore .. but i don't want to give up
my profit does not appear same yours
@Raphael-Cazelatto, there should be more output after that command that ends with --console. It should prompt for your token, then connect to the server.
I wonder if the problem is the Á in your path, or maybe the spaces. Can you try without that? I'll do the same.
EDIT: Nevermind. I tested it on my computer in a folder with an Á in it. It worked fine for me.
PS C:\Users\russe\Downloads\folder with Á in it\triggercmdagent> .\triggercmdagent.bat C:\Users\russe\Downloads\folder with Á in it\triggercmdagent>node "C:\Users\russe\Downloads\folder with Á in it\triggercmdagent\agent" --console Daemon install: false Logging in with saved token. Checking if the 5f237c33191176001ad49abe computer exists. (node:18616) Warning: Setting the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED environment variable to '0' makes TLS connections and HTTPS requests insecure by disabling certificate verification. This computer exists in your account. Tokenfile: C:\Users\russe\.TRIGGERcmdData\token.tkn ComputerIDfile: C:\Users\russe\.TRIGGERcmdData\computerid.cfg Logging in with saved token to run foreground tasks. Write backup completed. |> Now connected to \___/ For help, see: (using node SDK @v1.1.13) Connected at: Sun Oct 04 2020 12:37:23 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) { message: 'Subscribed to 5f237c33191176001ad49abe!' } { message: 'Subscribed to 5f237c33191176001ad49abe!' } Initiated command adds Initiated command removals
I do not know how to deal with this, I am struggling to install this program which should be simple ... when I double click on the file, the cmd appears quickly and already closes, I cannot edit the key. The only key I can edit is the photo. : /
@Raphael-Cazelatto, what if you open a cmd prompt first, then run that triggercmdagent.bat script?
Can you send me a screenshot of that?
I'm sorry nothing is working for you.