GH TriggerCMD Smart Home stopped working
"TriggerCMD Smart Home" integration suddenly stopped working, keep getting "something went wrong" message. Tried unlinking/resetting numerous times without success. Other integrations, like TriggerCMD, are working fine.
@Ilya-Alshine, I just tested it myself and it worked for me.
Did you try it on multiple devices? If you don't have another Google Home you could use your phone.
Also, if you can give me a time when you have a failure I could look in the logs.
Yes, iPhone, iPad, and Android Galaxy tablet. IOS devices say "something went wrong", Android "could not establish connection". Tried many times last night and continued trying this morning.
@Ilya-Alshine, I found the problem. Your account has more than one command on the same computer with the same voice word. That was breaking the Smart Home skill/action because it was creating two virtual switches with the same name.
I just changed the code so it creates only one virtual switch per computer / voice word combo, so you don't get duplicate switches. Now only the first command on a computer with a given voice word gets a virtual switch. If another command has the same voice word, it doesn't get a virtual switch.
You should make sure each command has a different voice word so you can run all of them via Alexa or Google Home.
Thank you for reporting this problem!
Solved it - thanks!
Quick questions:
I am using parameters for the first time (to turn off/on X10). So when you allow params, is it just the dual "on" "off" parameters that get set automatically in Google Home corresponding to the switch?
Do you need to point to an external bat file that specifies that two on/off command lines or can those be included in the config.json ??
@Ilya-Alshine, your command needs to run a .bat script that expects an " on" or " off" parameter appended to the command, like this:
if "%1"=="on" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\kodi.exe" if "%1"=="off" taskkill /im kodi.exe
I understand. Perhaps it makes sense to allow for that to be part of the of triggercmd config.json to avoid using external bat files.
@Ilya-Alshine, maybe. I'll think about that.