Alexa - bugs & make command called shutdown confuses skill.
I made a triggerCmd called shutdown (for obvious reasons). But the alexa skill hears the word shutdown and closes the skill. LOL "Alexa, tell triggercmd shutdown" - Alexa replies "Goodbye!" How frustrating is that since that is the entire reason I installed this. Laying in bed watching something on my PC. Need sleep. Alexa turn off the lights. (lights go out) Alexa tell triggercmd shutdown. "Goodbye!" lol.
Actually I haven't gotten any of my custom commands to work yet. I can say "alexa tell triggercmd run notepad" and that works fine (Well done! I've been looking for something like this for a while and will happily pay for it.) But all of the commands I created myself do not work "Could not find a command with (??) voice word undefined on FredsPC. Try again or say stop when done." If I click Add from a sample command like "Abort Shutdown" I get the same message - "Could not find a command blah blah blah"
Thanks for any info. -
@VRMan3D, that's funny about using "shutdown". Yea unfortunately Alexa reserves certain words like "stop" and apparently "shutdown".
What word are you using for your "Voice" word for your command? Alexa understands certain words better than others.
It often helps to look at your voice command history at to see what she heard. You can compare your voice word to what Alexa hears to pick something she hears well every time.
Another option is to use the TRIGGERcmd Smart Home skill. You say, "Alexa, turn on notepad" instead of "Alexa, ask TRIGGERcmd to run notepad." The Smart Home skill works better because Alexa knows your commands ahead of time and only has to match what you said to one of your commands.