Super Confused
Is there a complete instruction set for TRIGGERcmd? Like how do I control my LIFX lights via SmartThings, or...
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Comandline = ":\UsersYOUR COMPUTER NAME\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\Spotify.exe"
WScript.sleep 1000
WshShell.SendKeys "^{d}"
WScript.sleep 1000
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB 3}", True
WScript.sleep 1000
WshShell.SendKeys " "Where do I learn this?
This really seems like a great tool for the computer, but frankly, if this is to go mainstream, I think a much easier GUI with a command selection menu would be almost required. One example is Rules Engine...that I can configure. I realize there is infinite command options, but I can't seem to find any kind of starter help. I use Tasker on Android and that has a great commands overview for which I was able to understand and get started with years ago.
@cableghost, this is good feedback. I realize my instructions are lacking, and pretty technical. I'm hoping to write a set of essential docs for beginners at some point.
To answer your question about LIFX lights, unless there's a way to run a command on a computer that controls LIFX lights, you're better off not using TRIGGERcmd for that.
About where to learn to write vb scripts like that, here's a good resource:
Thanks @russ. Presently, I use EventGhost to turn on/off lights, shutdown a bank of my monitors when I login/out of my computer, etc. My guess is though, I could control my LIFX bulbs via integration through smartthings with tcmd. I've seen some posts herein, but don't really understand the commands.
Again, I think there's great potential with your tool, but the page you sent me to is my point. In order to use the tool, I must really become familiar with what I imagine is a standard language for programmers and tech hobbyist that have put in the time, but it's definitely not for the average user.
@cableghost, the SmartThings integration can run a command on your computer, but you can't use the integration to trigger anything in SmartThings - it's a one-way street from SmartThings to TRIGGERcmd servers to your computer.
Does EventGhost run a command to turn your lights on or off? If so, you should be able to run the same command with TRIGGERcmd.