Raspberry Pi 2 a011041 Not triggering (not running Commands)
I have installed triggercmdagent in all three my Raspberry Pi's (2, 3 and Zero W). My RPI 3 and Zero trigger like they should, but the RPI 2 does not run Command.
Is there something that needs to be done with older RPI's to get them to run the commands?
@fernando-garcia, you might need to install node-legacy. Are you using the latest Raspian OS? I think I have a PI2, so I maybe I need to check that the latest version still works on a PI2.
@russ Thank you for your quick response. I tried installing the node-legacy but no change. I can trigger from the site and from SmartThings but no commands run. I am running Raspian OS.
Should i have uninstalled the npm nodejs first before installing the npm nodejs-legacy?
EDIT: For others reading this thread, we found that the Raspberry Pi version 2 runs a very old version of node js, and the latest version of the TRIGGERcmd Pi agent uses a function that requires a newer version.
We downgraded the agent to this one and it works fine (and still supports parameters) http://triggercmdagents.s3.amazonaws.com/triggercmdagent_1.0.1_all_pi2.deb
EDIT 2: I updated the Raspberry Pi version so now the latest version it works fine on a Raspberry Pi2.