How do I do this? I copy and pasted the command into the "command" box and I tried using it with my alexa but it isnt working.
Re: Volume script
@Sxve__ , did you:
- Install nircmd in your c:\windows folder like this?
- Copy/paste the whole script into a text file and name the text file volume.bat?
- Put the volume.bat file in a folder like c:\tools?
- Make your command c:\tools\volume.bat?
- Make the voice word for your command volume?
- Enable the TRIGGERcmd Smart Home Alexa skill?
If so, you could say, "Alexa, turn volume 100" if you've enabled the TRIGGERcmd Smart Home Alexa skill.
If it doesn't work, please tell me what's happening. For example:
- If you run c:\tools\volume.bat 100 manually from the command line, does it work?
- If you run your command using the Parameters button and type in 100, does it work?
- Do you get a run in the Runs list for your command at
- What does Alexa say back to you?
@Russ I have done everything you have listed, When i ran c:\tools\volume.bat 100 in parameters
it set my volume on my pc to 0. When i ask alexa "Alexa, turn volume 100" she says "sorry, you can only set the volume between 1 and 10." Im new to coding and all this stuff so Im sorry if i get confused lol -
@Sxve__ please send me a screenshot of your command configuration.
Also, please send a screenshot of you running c:\tools\volume.bat 100 from the cmd prompt.
About Alexa, I think you're going to have to pick a different voice word. Instead of "volume" please try something like "banana" because "volume" is apparently a word Alexa reserved for adjusting the volume of the Echo device.
@Russ there is no way that changing the name to "banana" made it ACTUALLY work, yep it works completely well now, thank you SO much
@Sxve__ now i just gotta figure out how to control spotify on my pc with my alexa lol i have speakers on my pc that I would MUCH rather use than the alexa speakers so I gotta figure out how to control it
@Sxve__ , I'm glad it's working. I know, it's too bad Alexa reserves certain words. I just picked "banana" because I knew it's not one of them, but I'm sure you could come up with a better word.
About controlling Spotify, here's one approach you could consider: thing you could add to your script is a command like this to switch to a playlist:
spotify --uri=spotify:user:1269640531:playlist:0kYOOgseBw3Jr1Sl7Yv2Pj
@Russ bet man thank you so much for all of your help
im new to this coding stuff its super weird to me, Im definitely gonna learn alot from being in this community lol