TriggerCMD Agent no longer works after upgrading to Ubuntu 18.10
TriggerCMD ran quite nicely in Ubuntu 18.04.
I recently ograded to Ubuntu 18.10 and found none of the commands work. If I run the agent in terminal, I get a segmentation fault. -
@miakoda-combies, thanks for letting me know. I'll take a look.
Some additional info - I did get the version with no GUI to work, even though it complains. If you need anything copied from terminal or logs, just let me know. I'd be happy to help out.
@hellomiakoda, thanks. I'm downloading the 18.10 ISO now. I'll let you know if I have questions soon.
@miakoda-combies, I updated the .deb to support Ubuntu 18.10.
Will you please test it and let me know?