Conversational Alexa skill not working with Alexa routine
I'm trying to execute a command that runs a python script on my pc, the skill is working fine the {{result}} of the script is correct
But it seems that the only way to run the command with triggercCMD is saying all the phrase "Ejecuta Comando" then alexa ask for the specific trigger nameI have enabled the "Trigger Command" conversational skill, "Ejecuta Comando" in spanish.
Is there a way to set up a routine so i can only say one phrase. This is how I made the skill:
When I say the routine activation phrase "Alexa, sube saldo" Alexa turns on the blue light for a second and turns off without activating the skill.
This is the triggerCMD command:
`` {
"trigger": "saldo",
"command": "python C:\Users\Mateo\Desktop\test\alexaSube\src\",
"offCommand": "",
"ground": "foreground",
"voice": "saldo",
"voiceReply": "El saldo de tu sube es {{result}} pesos",
"allowParams": "false"
}` -
@Mateo-Fernandez, will you please try changing the action to this?
Alexa, pedirle Ejecuta Comando ejecuta saldo.
I think it might need to be in Spanish, unless you already know you're able to say to your Echo Dot, "Alexa, ask trigger C M D to run saldo" and it works.
@Russ Thanks thats it, now its working with the routine in spanish.
One last question, when running the python script I return the result to Alexa via SendResult.bat file. the problem is sometimes the scripts takes longer than 4 seconds to sent the result and Alexa says "no result"
I suppose the only solution for this is make the script faster?
More context: The script is a web scrapping that uses Selenium to search for a value in a website, this value should be sent to Alexa as the result.
@Mateo-Fernandez, yes, unfortunately you'll need to make it faster. Alexa only gives a few seconds before a reply must be returned to Alexa, so TRIGGERcmd has to impose the same time limit.