No new devices found.
Alexa cant found commands. i'm using Triggercmd Smart Home, i logged in nthe same account in my phone and my PC, i'm using the examples commands to make sure that i'm not doing wrong and Alexa cant found new devices yet...
Triggercmd don't work? -
i got it! the brazilian tutorial don't say that you have to go on profile and set your "Default Computer", after this alexa found the commands.
@emristv, good. Yea you either need that or your computer needs to have a voice word set, but it's better to use the default computer so you don't have to say the computer's voice to Alexa.
In other words, if you use the default computer, you can say, "Alexa, turn on calculator"
If you just set the computer's voice word to "laptop" or something, then you'd say, "Alexa, turn on calculator on laptop"