Arm/Disarm Security system via Google/Alexa
There are several ways to do this but for this thread I'm going to show you how to send the commands to HomeGenie (HG).
HG comes with a security console widget not associated with any alarm system. So you have to set that up to be able to Arm or Disarm a physical system. I set mine up with a X10 security console.
I synced the HG widget to a X10security palm pad remote but you could do it for a X10 Security key flob. Which ever way the remote has to also be registered to the Security console. Now if you wish the HG widget not to actually control a physical Security system nothing needs to be synced.
This is using the TRIGGERcmd smarthome so only Arm and Disarm are in the Security bash script (for now).#!/bin/bash if [ $1 = "on" ] then( s=$(curl -s http://HGAddress/api/HomeAutomation.HomeGenie.Automation/90/Control.ArmAway) echo " $s" ) else( s=$(curl -s http://HGAddress/api/HomeAutomation.HomeGenie.Automation/90/Control.Disarm) #if [ $s='{"ResponceValue":Disarmed"}' ] #then ( echo " $s"
Replace GHAddress with the IP:Port of your HG server
this is the line to add to the Commands.json provided your Security script is in the home/pi/scripts folder
If your like me and don't like the idea of Alexa or Google having the ability to Disarm there are a few options. In the OP I have the script to arm the system in away mode. You could have the off command arm in home mode.
Here is the difference the arm away has a bit longer delay arming though I don't notice much of a difference. It also allows all sensors to trigger the alarm.
The Home mode doesn't allow motion sensors to trigger the alarm.The other thing you could do is not use the bash script and just use the curl arm command in the command part of the line in the commands.json file
T tuicemen referenced this topic on
Here's the command to arm the HG security system widget to armed home.
curl http://HGAddress/api/HomeAutomation.HomeGenie.Automation/90/Control.ArmHome