\ are disapearing
I'm trying to use Triggercmd to control a Sensibo Smart Air Conditioning with the string:"
curl -X PUT https://home.sensibo.com/api/v2/pods/<deviceid>/smartmode?apiKey=<mykey> -d "{"enabled":false}
I've added the command to the commands.json, but when it runs, the "" from the -d arguments are removed.
I've tried to use "\" instead, but then when "node src/agent.js --console" it errors and goes back to last good file.
The command doesn't work without the "", it's required on the API syntax.
How should I fix it ? -
@farol, you could try this. I think you need to double-escape the \'s inside the quotes inside the quotes like this:
"command": "curl -X PUT https://home.sensibo.com/api/v2/pods/<deviceid>/smartmode?apiKey=<mykey> -d \"{\\\"enabled\\\":false}\"",
If I'm trying to format a commands.json entry for my Raspberry Pi where I don't have a GUI editor, I generally put the command as I'd execute it on the command line, in the GUI editor command field, then copy the result from the commands.json file. The GUI editor handles the \ escaping for you.
@Russ Thank you ! Worked as a charm !
Any clue how can I auto-start the agent as a daemon ? -
@farol Nevermind. Found it.