MAC Commands/triggers not working, help!
I can't get my Alexa to open Photoshop and other things... I'd happily pay $1 a month in order to open these things with my voice while having coffee in the morning but can't find Mac support anywhere. Thanks!
@cameronlives, I'm glad to know someone is trying to use the Mac version.
In general, if you can find the path to the .app, this is the format for your command to open it:
open -a /Applications/Adobe\ Photoshop\ Elements\ 3/Photoshop\ Elements\
The \'s are there to "escape" the spaces in the "Adobe Photoshop Elements 3" folder.
Your photoshop version might be in a different path. I found that path from here: way to get the path is to open a terminal and cd to the folder, then copy/paste the path into the command field in the TRIGGERcmd GUI editor.
@russ said in MAC Commands/triggers not working, help!:
One way to get the path is to open a terminal and cd to the folder, then copy/paste the path into the command field in the TRIGGERcmd GUI editor.
Cool, so that worked!
Now I'm trying to get a handle on how to command it to open websites.
@cameronlives ,
I'll try opening a website when I get home. I think you can do something like this: