.bat files not executing on Windows 10
I am trying to use Trigger CMD to run .bat files on Windows 10. I have Trigger CMD installed. I have created several .bat files that do work properly when entered on a CMD prompt line. However, they do not run from Trigger CMD local or the website. The two commands that came with Trigger CMD, Calc and Notepad work just fine both locally and from the website. I do have the folder where my batch files are located in my PATH. Any ideas on what is wrong?
Man, I don't know. If calc and notepad work, the agent is working, so that's a start. What exactly do you have in your command field? If you type that same thing in your cmd prompt while you're in a different folder, does it run the batch file? I ask just to verify that the folder is in the PATH..
It might be that batch file is expecting you to be in the folder where the batch file is, so you could add a command to your batch file to cd to that folder.
EDIT: Ron and I figured this out. It turned out he needed to close and open the TRIGGERcmd agent (or just reboot) after he added the batch file's folder to his PATH.
Ron also explained how ahcmd works. It can send commands to X10 devices. It's a simpler way to do it than @Nate-Hales (aka Bubba's) method that uses the curl command. The ahcmd.exe tool comes with this installer: http://voxcommando.com/files/ahsdk_install.exe
FYI, Ron's command to turn on a lamp via X10 was:
ahcmd sendrf e1 on
So with SmartThings, he could turn on parameters and make the command:
ahcmd sendrf e1
And SmartThings would add the on or off part of the command.
More info about ahcmd: http://voxcommando.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Plugin_X10