Alexa keeps hearing "perameter" as"perimeter"
This is real pain. It might be my UK accent? I've used the Alexa app activity stream to feedback the failures too.
I wonder if an alternative could be found. How about "argument" which is also technically more correct
Or "value".
@Steve-Lee, this is another reason I prefer the TRIGGERcmd Smart Home skill - it just works, but I know you can't pass any parameter you want with it.
I'll add the "argument" option soon and let you know when Amazon approves the change. Thanks again for the feedback.
Which specific skill are you using? TRIGGERcmd, Trigger Command, or TC? Just curious. I'll update all 3, but Amazon gives me a tool to help train it, so I might be able to find your attempts and help retrain it.
year i'd totally use Smart Home all the time. Ideally we could specify the Lexicon of device action words in a commands.json field per command.
I installed all but use TC as short when I have multiple parameters, or words not recognised by Smart Home.
But it's a pain saying
alexa ask TC to run mac pitch with parameter up two
when I want
alexa mac pitch up two
@Steve-Lee, I just submitted the TC skill with the option to use "with argument X" instead of "with parameter X".
I'll let you know when they approve it. I'll add the same option to the TRIGGERcmd and Trigger Command skill after we test this on the TC skill.
@Russ Brilliant, thank you.
@Steve-Lee, the TC Alexa skill now supports "... with argument X."
@Russ yay! I'll give it a go