Can the invocation word be changed?
Saying "Trigger See Em Dee" is a terribly awkward way to acquire "the home of the future," despite the fact that I'm sure this question has been asked a thousand times already. I am aware that developers are free to choose practically any invocation they wish. Why couldn't it be "Alexa, tell PC" or "Alexa, tell Computer" instead? I would become a paying subscriber if the TriggerCMD platform underwent only this one adjustment. Is there any way we might work toward creating an invocation that is significantly simpler to say? Everyone in my household struggles to pronounce "Trigger CMDfive "'s syllables because of their different phonetic sounds. 3 -
@llasolod, I'll look into adding a third name for the legacy skill. I'm leaning toward "TC" as the new skill name.
I generally recommend using the "TRIGGERcmd Smart Home" skill though because you don't have to say the skill name at all. It also recognizes your words much better. If you haven't tried it, please do.
Unfortunately I think a lot of people find the TRIGGERcmd skill first and don't know about the Smart Home skill where you just have to say "Alexa, turn on calculator" and because you have a smart home device called calculator that Alexa already knows about, she almost always knows what you're saying.
EDIT 11/13/2022: I submitted "TC" as a new skill. We'll see if Amazon will accept it. It actually combines the newer "TRIGGERcmd Smart Home" skill with the original TRIGGERcmd and TRIGGER command skills, but with a simpler name to say.
EDIT 11/15/2022 The new TC Alexa skill is now live. It works just like TRIGGERcmd and TRIGGER command (not like TRIGGERcmd Smart Home).