the recognition rate of my Echo is laughable. While the Alexa-app is showing that it has exactly understood what I've said (word-by-word) it's not running any trigger. And using "SPOT" for all but one trigger isn't working. Well, (as the subject line indicates) my target was to execute TV live streams using triggerCMD. Unfortunately, abbreviations seem to be an absolutely No-Go.
Even the well-known (American) suspects like NBC/CNN/ABC/... aren't triggering. I've used the Amazon-StreamPlayer skill to listen to TV channels (well, while cooking, but people with limited/non-existing eyesight do this all the time). And that skill is working absolutely fine when it comes to the voice recognition of (German) channels like ZDF/ARD/3SAT/WDR/BR/HR/SWR/SR/RBB/SAT1/ARTE/...
Another skill that I use to hear my own archive/created playlists of MP3's hosted online named PLP (PLayListPlayer) was also quite bad regarding recognition, but its developer has disabled/enabled/<whatever-abled>its configuration and from then it went MUCH better. So I have the idea that it's "just" something configurable to solve this issue? Any ideas??BTW, using 'dots' for the correct spelling of abbreviations like "A. R. D." hasn't worked for me. Thx 4 listening
@aaaaa12345, I wonder if you're using the original non-Smart Home skill. If so I'm not surprised it would often miss what you're saying.
I created this "NBC" command and I'm able to say, "Alexa, turn on NBC" and it works every time.
It uses the TRIGGERcmd Smart Home skill. The TRIGGERcmd Smart Home Google Action works every time too.