Change audio input/output device
Re: change audio output device
Hi all,
based on the quoted topic, I need some help to change my system out/input devices.
It's working when asking alexa, via trigger, to change to the realtek devices pluged at the PC, but it's not working with the sound devices controlled by Corsair ICUE - using a wireless headset.Do I need to change anything else?
@atroguer, can you show the output of the command if you run it from a cmd prompt?
Also, can you show the output of this command?
nircmd showsounddevices
For me it pops a window up that looks like this:
@russ Hi Russ! Thanks for the reply
I renamed the devices to "Fone Corsair" and "Microfone Corsair", and on Trigger Commands entered these names, but it's not changing on my windows setting when running the commands.Before changing the names I tried too, but not running either.
@atroguer , there's a space in the name so can you try quoting it?
@russ and that's the diference between a junior developer and a senior one.
Thanks Russ, it worked with the quote!