I reinstalled Windows 10 Pro and now TriggerCMD does not allow me to insert Token
I reinstalled Windows 10 Pro and now TriggerCMD does not allow me to insert Token. It says: "You must subscribe before adding another computer".
I don't want to add another computer, I only reinstalled Windows and now I want to continue using my PC as I did usually.
Someone here can help me?
@José-Rodríguez, do you still have a copy of your .TRIGGERcmdData folder from before you reloaded Windows? It would be C:\Users\(your username)\.TRIGGERcmdData
If you have that folder, you could copy it to your new home directory C:\Users\(your username) and keep using your existing computer object in your account.
If you don't have a copy of that folder, you'll need to delete the computer in your account. Then you'll be able to enter your token and start re-creating your commands.
For security reasons, your commands are only stored on your computer - not on the servers in the cloud.
Oh understand. Is there any other way to restore my data, triggers or previous PC commands? If I subscribe, can I restore my data and use previous computer at a time? I need to have access to my previous computer, since I added a lot of triggers, so I would not like to re-enter all my commands again. It would take long.
Thank you Russ.
@José-Rodríguez, I'm sorry, but the only place the commands are stored is in the commands.json file on your computer. There is no copy on TRIGGERcmd servers.