Background Service not installing?
Ok, I got psshutdown working properly however the service isn't working properly. I went to services and noticed it wasn't running so I started it. After about 10 seconds it stopped itself. I reinstalled the background service and tried again. Same result. -
@Forbidden-Duck, I'm glad you got psshutdown working.
About the background service, if you didn't already try this, please remove the background service, reboot, then re-install it. I'm hoping that will fix it.
I uninstalled the background services, rebooted and installed it again. Still having the same issue. Just stops after 10 seconds. -
@Forbidden-Duck, dang. That's odd.
Is there anything in Event Viewer or %userprofile%\.TRIGGERcmdData\debug.log about it?
Event Viewer says it terminated unexpectedly.debug.log doesn't say anything about it.
@Forbidden-Duck, it works in the foreground, so it's probably not Antivirus killing it.
Just as a troubleshooting step, you want to try running the service as your own account? I'm curious if that would make a difference. To get your username, type whoami in a cmd window. It should look something like this: computer\user
Tried it with the User Account. Works fine, didn't stop. -
@Forbidden-Duck, I don't know why it won't run as Local System on your computer. It runs that way on most computers.
You could confirm the "SYSTEM" account has access to your %userprofile%\.TRIGGERcmdData folder.
Otherwise I'm running low on ideas.
Yea SYSTEM has access to that. That is odd that it's doing that. However it appears its working on the User Account, I suppose I'll keep it like that. -
It appears the service doesn't want to startup properly now. I have to manually start it up myself. Currently it's set as Automatic.
and abort sleep isn't being discovered by my alexa.