Alexa Skill in Italy
I just integrated Trigger CMD in my Smartthings, it's really great, thank you!Would it be possible to have the Alexa skill on the Italian skill store ?
I'd be available for any translation work that's needed.
@sulisenator, I'll probably take you up on that when I get around to adding Italian language support.
@sulisenator, I'm ready to do the Italian language versions of the Alexa skill and Google Assistant action.
Would you mind translating the text to the right of the = sign to Italian for me?
cardtitle = "TRIGGERcmd"; greeting = "Say something like, run Calculator on Office PC."; cardgreeting = greeting; helpspeech = "When you install a trigger c m d agent on a computer, it will show up in your account at trigger c m d dot com. Click that computer's edit button to add a voice trigger. Then you can have alexa run any commands that have voice triggers on that computer by saying, run X on Y, where X is the command's voice trigger, and Y is the computer's voice trigger. Go to trigger c m d dot com for more instructions. What do you want to do now? Say stop if you're done."; helptext = "When you install a TRIGGERcmd agent on a computer, it will show up in your account at Click that computer's Edit button to add a voice trigger. Then you can have Alexa run any commands that have voice triggers on that computer by saying, run X on Y, where X is the command's voice trigger, and Y is the computer's voice trigger. What do you want to do now?"; goodbye = "Good-bye"; pleaselink = "Please go to your Alexa app and link your account."; redohelp = "Say something like, run Notepad on Family PC. You can also say Help. Say Stop if you're done."; nocomputercalledprefix = "Could not find a computer with voice word "; tryagain = ", try again, or say Stop if you're done."; notriggercalledprefix = "Could not find a command with voice word "; onword = " on "; triggering = "Triggering "; cardtriggering = triggering; doesnotallowparams = " does not allow parameters."; withparameter = " with parameter "; waitaminute = "Wait a minute, or subscribe so you don't have to."; launched = "Launched"; nodefaultspeech = "You haven't set a default computer in your trigger C M D profile yet.";
I tried my best, can't wait to see this skill on the italian store
cardtitle = "TRIGGERcmd"; greeting = "Dici qualcosa del tipo apri Calcolatrice sul PC"; cardgreeting = greeting; helpspeech = "Quando installi trigger c m d sul computer, esso apparirà nel tuo account di trigger c m d punto com. Clicca sulle impostazioni per aggiungere un comando vocale. A questo punto, Alexa eseguirà qualsiasi comando vocale sul computer dicendo apri X su Y, dove X è l'applicazione o il comando vocale e Y il computer sul quale vuoi che si apra. Visita trigger c m d punto com per maggiori informazioni. Cosa vuoi fare adesso? Dici Stop quando hai finito"; helptext = "Quando installi trigger c m d sul computer, apparirà nel tuo account di trigger c m d punto com. Clicca sulle impostazioni per aggiungere un comando vocale. A questo punto, Alexa eseguirà qualsiasi comando vocale sul computer dicendo apri X su Y, dove X è l'applicazione o il comando vocale e Y il computer sul quale vuoi che si apra. Visita trigger c m d punto com per maggiori informazioni. Cosa vuoi fare adesso?"; goodbye = "Arrivederci"; pleaselink = "Per favore, vai sull'app di Alexa ed associa il tuo account"; redohelp = "Dici qualcosa del tipo apri Blocco Note sul PC. Puoi anche dire Aiuto per maggiori istruzioni. Dici Stop quando hai finito"; nocomputercalledprefix = "Non riesco a trovare il PC "; tryagain = ", riprova, o dici Stop quando hai finito."; notriggercalledprefix = "Non riesco a trovare il comando "; onword = " su "; triggering = "Triggering "; cardtriggering = triggering; doesnotallowparams = " parametri non consentiti."; withparameter = " con parametro "; waitaminute = "Aspetta un minuto o iscriviti per velocizzare."; launched = "Sto aprendo"; nodefaultspeech = "Non hai ancora indicato un computer di default sul tuo profilo di trigger c m d.";
Thanks @gauner. I've got the code updated. Would you mind translating this too for the listing in the directory?
TRIGGERcmd is a cloud service that allows you to securely and remotely run commands on your computers.
Your commands could install updates, reboot, run a script, or anything else you decide.
- Login at
- Download and install an agent on your computer. It will prompt for the token during the install.
- Go to the Instructions page in your account, and copy the token.
- Paste the token from the Instructions page into your agent to log it in.
- Your computer will now show up in your account.
- Click Edit and add a voice trigger to your computer.
- Add the TRIGGERcmd skill in your Alexa app.
- Link your Alexa account to your account.
- Say: Alexa, open TRIGGERcmd.
- Say: run Calculator on Office (use your own computer's voice trigger instead of "Office")
@russ said in Alexa Skill in Italy:
TRIGGERcmd is a cloud service that allows you to securely and remotely run commands on your computers.
Your commands could install updates, reboot, run a script, or anything else you decide.Login at
Download and install an agent on your computer. It will prompt for the token during the install.
Go to the Instructions page in your account, and copy the token.
Paste the token from the Instructions page into your agent to log it in.
Your computer will now show up in your account.
Click Edit and add a voice trigger to your computer.
Add the TRIGGERcmd skill in your Alexa app.
Link your Alexa account to your account.
Say: Alexa, open TRIGGERcmd.
Say: run Calculator on Office (use your own computer's voice trigger instead of "Office")TRIGGERcmd è un servizio che ti permette di impartire comandi in remoto ai tuoi computer in piena sicurezza.
Puoi installare aggiornamenti, riavviare il PC, avviare uno script o qualsiasi cosa di cui tu abbia bisogno.
- Effettua il login su
- Scarica ed installa il client sul tuo computer. Ti verrà richiesto un token durante l'installazione.
- Vai sulla pagina Instructions del tuo account e copia il token.
- Incolla il token quando richiesto dal client per collegare il tuo account.
- Il computer appena associato verrà mostrato nel tuo account
- Clicca su Edit e aggiungi un trigger vocale al tuo computer.
- Aggiungi la skill TRIGGERcmd alla tua app Alexa.
- Connetti il tuo account Alexa al tuo account
- Dici: Alexa, apri TRIGGERcmd.
- Dici: apri Calcolatrice su nome_computer (dove nome_computer corrisponde al trigger vocale impostato nei passaggi precedenti)