Alexa report What Artist & What Song in Music
I wanted Alexa to be able to report what is playing in (Apple) Music. I came up with these, which I am delighted to say, work:
osascript -e 'tell application "music" to set result to artist of current track' | sed 's/^/"/;s/$/"/' | xargs -I{} ~/.TRIGGERcmdData/ {}
Voice: what artist
Voice Reply: This artist is {{result}}WHAT SONG
osascript -e 'tell application "Music" to set result to "This song is " & name of current track & " by " & artist of current track & " on the " & year of current track & " album " & album of current track' | sed 's/^/"/;s/$/"/' | xargs -I{} ~/.TRIGGERcmdData/ {}
Voice: what song
voice reply: {{result}}Note: I'm not a terminal wiz, I'm not sure if this is the most efficient way to do this (happy for suggestions), but it works. the "sed" part is just to quote the result from "Music"
Of course you have to enable the Trigger Command Alexa skill. So you'd say:
"Alexa, ask Trigger Command to run What Song" or "…What Album"
and now that I was on a roll, I tried something more complicated that needs to run an applescript file, playing a new album in the current playlist:
osascript ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Music/commands/next.album.scpt | sed 's/^/"/;s/$/"/' | xargs -I{} ~/.TRIGGERcmdData/ {}
voice: Next Album
voice reply: {{result}}applescript:
tell application "Music" set rcount to 0 set talb to album of current track repeat set rcount to rcount + 1 next track set newalbum to album of current track set newartist to artist of current track if newalbum is not talb or rcount > 30 then exit repeat end repeat set result to "Playing " & newalbum & " by " & newartist end tell
(saved as "next.album.scpt" and saved to path as given above. of course you can rename and/or change the path. the count is just a fail safe if album has too many tracks, can change of course)
you must make the bash script executable. go to terminal and:
cd ~/.TRIGGERcmdData/ chmod +x