Voice controlling X10 Pan&Tilt WiFi Cameras
I've been controlling my Pan& Tilt cameras via a variety of different apps for decades even before WiFi Cameras were available.
Most of these were X10 cameras and some fosscams. I've moved away from my old wired and RF wireless X10 cameras and now use HD X10 wifi cameras and still some older fosscam low def wifi cameras.
I prefer the Pan & tilt cameras over the stationary ones as you get a much larger coverage area.
I currently have my cameras pan to a door or window when they are opened via HomeGenie. The cool factor of doing it via Alexa voice was achieved via HA-Bridge but for google it wasn't. With TRIGGERcms Smarthome I now believe I can do this via Alexa & or Google which adds a bigger cool factor.Most any IP Cammera can do this provided you can get your hands on the control protocols.
Luckily I have these for the X10 XX70A HD Airsight & X10 XX69A HD Airsight
To turn one to a preset is a simple url api call for the
X10 still sells this and is in stock last time I checked.
Preset 1 calls are simple and would look like:IP&port/cgi-bin/decoder_control.cgi?&type=2&cmd=0&user=******&pwd=*****
Naturaly you change the IP&port to that of the camera and change the user and pwd.
For preset 2 you'd change the cm=0 to cmd=1
For preset 3 you'd change the cm=0 to cmd=2 and so on
The XX69A uses the same api calls not sure if it is out of stock or no longer available.I do have a couple older Pan&tilt foss & easyn cams and the preset codes for them but the model numbers I'm not sure of till I can get up to look at them.
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