Yamaha Amps Raspberry and RXV
I'm using a raspberry with a Yamaha RX-V671 amp connected on my network
Link to install on raspberry Pi:
https://github.com/wuub/rxvExample Python Script:
import rxvreceivers = [rxv.RXV("", "RX-V671")]
rx = receivers[0]
rx.volume = rx.volume + 10
print rx.volumeSwitch on AMP
import rxvreceivers = [rxv.RXV("", "RX-V671")]
rx = receivers[0]rx.on = True
rx.input = "HDMI3"
rx.volume = -30Amp Off
import rxvreceivers = [rxv.RXV("", "RX-V671")]
rx = receivers[0]rx.input = "HDMI2"
rx.on = False