I would like to do 3 things
1 interactive response
2 dynamic variables as audio response
3 add an optional param/arg
as i tell alexa the command she will return with a query
Me: Alexa, ask triggercmd run check online players
She will the. Ask me
Alexa: ok, which server would you like to check?
I could have supplied the server but if i didnt this would be the case
Now for example i replied with
Random or any or first server or name of server , or server ip, or alias.
She can associate all this stuff from a table stored somewhere
And finally does the command and tells me the answer
Alexa: there are 20player currently online
Or error report
Alexa: i can't seem to connect to the server.
Do you want me to retry or conduct troubleshoot?
Now model should be written by us
But hopefuly you can somehow provide us with more options or atleast resource to do stuff like this
Thank you very much for reading